Whereas sovereignty over the entire Universe belongs to Almighty Allah alone,Many religious fundamentalists believe that the constitution is violated whenever a military or democratic government takes over because both martial law and democracy are alien to Islam…According to them, democracy does not conform to Islamic principles because Islam is a perfect religion containing laws, express or derivable by ijma (consensus) or ijtihad (exertion), governing the whole field of human existence…Therefore, elections and elected legislatures are unnecessary and unconstitutional…
and the authority to be exercised by the people of Pakistan within the limits prescribed by Him is a sacred trust;
And whereas it is the will of the people of Pakistan to establish an order: -
Wherein the State shall exercise its powers and authority through the chosen representatives of the people;
Wherein the principles of democracy, freedom,equality, tolerance and social justice, as enunciated by Islam, shall be fully observed
This got me thinking…What if Zardari signed the peace agreement with the Taliban in Swat only to save his seat and not to bring peace to the area? I wonder if the Pakistanis are as PIL-filing happy as the Indians…Can someone go to court to challenge the validity of a democratic government? If so, has someone done it?
Given the above reading of the preamble, does it mean what the Taliban are doing in Swat (compulsory purdah, no education for women, no entertainment etc.) is constitutional?
Chirag · 834 weeks ago
if Zardari signed the peace agreement with the Taliban this means we need to be super careful with our borders now. Think about all the resources we are pouring into the 'protection' of our border. That will change.
When people fight over religion, make me think, how can people fight over who has a better imaginary friend.
Kislay Chandra · 834 weeks ago
Vinod Sharma 104p · 834 weeks ago
manju · 834 weeks ago
I wonder whether Zardari even has the authority to sign an agreement with the Taliban?
kanagu · 834 weeks ago
Nimmy · 834 weeks ago
No country in this world CURRENTLY has Sharia as per those rules given in Quran..When Wahabis are intrested in those laws controlling masses,as like the chopping of hands and lashes which are secondary of concern,they are bloody hypocrites when it comes to interest (money) and all..There are many upper-ground (or whatever that means) and underground activities going on in countries as like Saudi or Iran. All of then are Allah-fearing (in wrong sense) when it comes to women's issues-nothing more nothing less..
People say that democracy is against Islam,but when they can't enact rules properly,why the hell can't they take upon democracy. Some /most of them (atleast not any single person in India) are dreaming of some prince coming and establishing Caliphite..
Nimmy · 834 weeks ago
I am just gald that Indian muslims aren't crap or dumb like the rest in so called holy nations...
Sorry for the long rant..
p.s: The rant tells you why muslims leaders are against democracy,though there is nothing of that sort in Quran..They are keen to hold on to power and money,not to let go..
Ajit · 834 weeks ago
Piper · 834 weeks ago
Solilo · 834 weeks ago
Bones, Informative post. Short and to the point.
mystic margarita · 834 weeks ago
indian homemaker 31p · 833 weeks ago
Pakistan looks bleak and whatever happens there is sure to affect us too...