This is what Joe Klein of Time magazine has to say:
For a great many of us - Jews who support Israel, but not these policies - this government is an embarrassment. In fact, according to a recent poll conducted for the liberal group J Street, 60% of American Jews oppose the expansion of settlements [which are all illegal] and 69% oppose Lieberman's [an anti-Arab bigot who is the Foreign Minister] participation in the government. According to that same poll, 72% believed the US should exert pressure on both sides to move toward a deal--a policy one hopes Barack Obama will have the courage to pursue.For more information, go to Closed Zone...
Smitha 55p · 833 weeks ago
sraboney 53p · 833 weeks ago
When we think of terrorists, we usually think of Islamic terrorists especially in the Middle East...But there is a growing number of extremist Israeli settlers including rabbis who are busy establishing an army within an army so that if one day it is asked to disband and/or destroy Jewish setllements in Gaza, there will be enough soldiers to refuse to obey the order and protect the settlements by killing those who come to disband them...How is the brainwashing done? Fundamentalist rabbis (like all other fundamentalist religious leaders) find Torah verses that make it permissible to murder secular Jews and Arabs...
sraboney 53p · 833 weeks ago
Eg 1. Yitzhak Rabin's assassination by a Jewish law student Yigal Amir..Reason: to stop the Middle East process (which Rabin had started)...He felt that Rabin was giving away the country to the Arabs...He wanted Jews to be cold hearted - as cold hearted as him to protect their God given land...When asked where he got his ideas, Amir told the magistrate that he drew on the Halacha, which is the Jewish legal code... "According to the Halacha, you can kill the enemy," Amir said..."My whole life, I learned Halacha. When you kill in war, it is an act that is allowed." (source: CNN)
Eg. 2. Baruch Goldstein's (an American born Israeli doctor) rampage in a Hebron mosque in 1994...He killed 29 Arab Muslims and injured 150 others before he was beaten to death...Goldstein was an extremist who refused to treat non-jews because he recognised only one religion - Judaism...His grave has become a pilgrimage spot for extremist Jews...
Extremist interpretations of the Bible were earlier rare but now are becoming more mainstream...God only knows what will happen if the majority of Israelis start thinking like Amir and Goldstein...
Also, the government is not doing much to resolve the issues...America has to put pressure but it can't because of the strong Jewish lobby...
Sabyasachi Ghose · 833 weeks ago
It takes two to tango.
Vinod Sharma 104p · 833 weeks ago
It seems that both Israelis and the Palestinians want some sort of settlement but only if each emerges "victorious" and the other "defeated". That is an impossibility. So no one wants to give what is needed to reach a settlement...
anrosh · 832 weeks ago
Ajit · 833 weeks ago
sraboney 53p · 833 weeks ago
anrosh · 832 weeks ago
Indyeah · 833 weeks ago
but the short film is so brutal and yet that is the reality..
manju · 833 weeks ago
They never stopped to think what would happen afterwards. In hindsight, it can be said that they simply created a perpetual war zone.
sraboney 53p · 833 weeks ago
The British are good at playing devisive politics with others...They did the same thing by dividing India when they left...
kanagu · 833 weeks ago
Both needs to blamed for their actions..
Piper · 833 weeks ago
Solilo · 833 weeks ago
indian homemaker 31p · 832 weeks ago
Sad video ...
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