Friday, March 13, 2009

Women Should Be Hit For Wearing Sexy Clothing In Public

Who do you think believes in this statement?If you think it is the Sri Rama Sene, you are wrong...According to the findings of a recent survey conducted in England & Wales (for the Home Office), one in seven people believe it is acceptable in some circumstances for a man to hit his wife or girlfriend if she is dressed in "sexy or revealing clothes in public"...A similar number believe that it is okay for a man to slap his wife or girlfriend for "nagging or constantly moaning at him"...

(click to enlarge)

The findings also disclosed that about twenty percent of the people polled believe that wearing sexy or revealing clothing should lead to a woman being held partly responsible for being raped or sexually assaulted...Another sad finding of the survey is that only 52 percent of the respondants believe that prostitutes have basic human rights...

What does this survey tell us?It tells us that it doesn't matter if we live in the West or the East, in a developed country or an underdeveloped one, we all still live in largely patriarchal and misogynistic societies...But there is hope...I'm sure if this survey had been conducted 25 years ago, the number of people who believed that women were not to blame no matter what the circumstances were, would have been lower...
Edited to add:
I'm a bit concerned about the teenagers of today...I'm worried that they will start to slide back into the arms of Rape Culture via the proliferation of pornography and the celebration of violent entertainment...It takes generations to change regressive attitudes but the media can change positive attitudes to regressive ones in a matter of months...I hope the younger generation is intelligent enough to differentiate between make believe and reality...